Saturday, December 20, 2008

Welcome and Happy Holidays!

I'm guessing our Christmas cards (with save-the-dates inside) must have started arriving today because I noticed a big spike in the page hit counter and some new dots on the map from cities where we know people! If this is your first visit, welcome! Take some time to look around. Bookmark the page for future reference as we plan to us this page to distribute useful information. Leave us a comment or two. (Comments really make my day!)

Wishing all of you a wonderful Christmas and and Happy New Year. I'm looking forward to my first Christmas at "home" in 8 years and the chance to introduce FH to the remainder of my family (there're a lot of them!) It is also bittersweet to be away from so many of the people we hold dear this holiday season, but we look forward all the more to seeing you next summer!

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